Tuesday, November 13, 2012


There is a myth that is going around that says black hair does not grow and only a few people are blessed with long hair.
I strongly disagree with this statement and believe that our hair grows, if not we would not need to "retouch" every few weeks.

I just think the hair is breaking as fast as it is growing due to bad hair maintenance practices.

Because of this I am running a series on Hair length retention so people know how to keep the hair that grows on their head right there with minimal breakage.

There is a mantra on the hair community that can get very annoying and boring but helps you reach epic hair lengths. These are low manipulation and protective hair styling.

Before you go reaching for your dictionary, let me explain and give examples.

First up we have low manipulation hair styles: These are hair styles that provide you with the option of not combing your hair everyday of the week. This means you are not tugging or pulling at your hair everyday to make it conform into a hairstyle you want but can still wear your hair out. 

Examples of these styles include: rollersets, flexi rodsets,twist outs, braid outs, coil outs, bantu knot outs etc.

Then we have protective hair styles: These are hair styles that are done with the aim of protecting the tips of your hair or sometimes the whole hair strands. This means that the ends of your hair which is the oldest part of your hair is given a rest from combing and are nicely tucked away.

Examples of these styles include: High Buns, Low buns, Side buns, Cinammon buns, bantu knots, braided hair styles with the ends tucked away(braids, two strand twists,flat twists, cornrows), weave fixed properly etc.

Why do I need to do this?

Well for the purpose of having full long and healthy hair and not lifeless hair.

When you comb your hair everyday you tend to tug out strands that might not be shed hair, plus some of us use that evil blue picking comb.

When your ends are out all time and always rubbing against your dress, the cotton sucks out the moisture and breaking starts.

In essence, your hair is growing but breaking at the same rate.

For great pictures of all the hair styles listed below, goto  www.http://blackgirllonghair.com

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